using System.Collections; COMPILER CS2 /*---------------------- conditional compilation symbols -----------------*/ ArrayList ccs = new ArrayList(); public void AddConditionalCompilationSymbols(String[] symbols) { if (symbols != null) { for (int i=0; i 0 && !ccs.Contains(symbols[i])) { ccs.Add(symbols[i]); } } } } // returns the end of the whitespaces in the given // string if whitespaces is true otherwise returns // the end of the non-whitespaces. int EndOf(String symbol, int start, bool whitespaces) { while ((start < symbol.Length) && (Char.IsWhiteSpace(symbol[start]) ^ !whitespaces)) { ++start; } return start; } // input: "#" {ws} directive ws {ws} {not-newline} {newline} // valid input: "#" {ws} directive ws {ws} {non-ws} {ws} {newline} // output: {non-ws} String RemPPDirective(String symbol) { int start = 1; int end; // skip {ws} start = EndOf(symbol, start, true); // skip directive start = EndOf(symbol, start, false); // skip ws {ws} start = EndOf(symbol, start, true); // search end of symbol end = EndOf(symbol, start, false); return symbol.Substring(start, end - start); } void AddCCS(String symbol) { symbol = RemPPDirective(symbol); if (!ccs.Contains(symbol)) { ccs.Add(symbol); } } void RemCCS(String symbol) { ccs.Remove(RemPPDirective(symbol)); } bool IsCCS(String symbol) { return ccs.Contains(RemPPDirective(symbol)); } // search for the correct alternative and enter // drop everything before the correct alternative void IfPragma(String symbol) { if (!IsCCS(symbol)) { int state = 0; Token cur = scanner.Scan(); for (;;) { switch (cur.kind) { case _ppIf: ++state; break; case _ppEndif: if (state == 0) { return; } --state; break; case _ppElif: if (state == 0 && IsCCS(cur.val)) { return; } break; case _ppElse: if (state == 0) { return; } break; case _EOF: Error("Incomplete file."); return; default: break; } cur = scanner.Scan(); } } } // drop everything until the end of this if, elif, else directive void ElifOrElsePragma() { int state = 0; Token cur = scanner.Scan(); for (;;) { switch (cur.kind) { case _ppIf: ++state; break; case _ppEndif: if (state == 0) { return; } --state; break; default: break; } cur = scanner.Scan(); } } /*----------------------------- token sets -------------------------------*/ const int maxTerminals = 160; // set size static BitArray NewSet(params int[] values) { BitArray a = new BitArray(maxTerminals); foreach (int x in values) a[x] = true; return a; } static BitArray unaryOp = NewSet(_plus, _minus, _not, _tilde, _inc, _dec, _true, _false), typeKW = NewSet(_char, _bool, _object, _string, _sbyte, _byte, _short, _ushort, _int, _uint, _long, _ulong, _float, _double, _decimal), unaryHead = NewSet(_plus, _minus, _not, _tilde, _times, _inc, _dec, _and), assnStartOp = NewSet(_plus, _minus, _not, _tilde, _times), castFollower = NewSet(_tilde, _not, _lpar, _ident, /* literals */ _intCon, _realCon, _charCon, _stringCon, /* any keyword expect as and is */ _abstract, _base, _bool, _break, _byte, _case, _catch, _char, _checked, _class, _const, _continue, _decimal, _default, _delegate, _do, _double, _else, _enum, _event, _explicit, _extern, _false, _finally, _fixed, _float, _for, _foreach, _goto, _if, _implicit, _in, _int, _interface, _internal, _lock, _long, _namespace, _new, _null, _object, _operator, _out, _override, _params, _private, _protected, _public, _readonly, _ref, _return, _sbyte, _sealed, _short, _sizeof, _stackalloc, _static, _string, _struct, _switch, _this, _throw, _true, _try, _typeof, _uint, _ulong, _unchecked, _unsafe, _ushort, _usingKW, _virtual, _void, _volatile, _while ), typArgLstFol = NewSet ( _lpar, _rpar, _rbrack, _colon, _scolon, _comma, _dot, _question, _eq, _neq ), keyword = NewSet(_abstract, _as, _base, _bool, _break, _byte, _case, _catch, _char, _checked, _class, _const, _continue, _decimal, _default, _delegate, _do, _double, _else, _enum, _event, _explicit, _extern, _false, _finally, _fixed, _float, _for, _foreach, _goto, _if, _implicit, _in, _int, _interface, _internal, _is, _lock, _long, _namespace, _new, _null, _object, _operator, _out, _override, _params, _private, _protected, _public, _readonly, _ref, _return, _sbyte, _sealed, _short, _sizeof, _stackalloc, _static, _string, _struct, _switch, _this, _throw, _true, _try, _typeof, _uint, _ulong, _unchecked, _unsafe, _ushort, _usingKW, _virtual, _void, _volatile, _while), assgnOps = NewSet(_assgn, _plusassgn, _minusassgn, _timesassgn, _divassgn, _modassgn, _andassgn, _orassgn, _xorassgn, _lshassgn) /* rshassgn: ">" ">=" no whitespace allowed*/ ; /*---------------------------- auxiliary methods ------------------------*/ void Error (string s) { if (errDist >= minErrDist) errors.SemErr(la.line, la.col, s); errDist = 0; } // Return the n-th token after the current lookahead token Token Peek (int n) { scanner.ResetPeek(); Token x = la; while (n > 0) { x = scanner.Peek(); n--; } return x; } // ident "=" bool IsAssignment () { return la.kind == _ident && Peek(1).kind == _assgn; } /* True, if the comma is not a trailing one, * * like the last one in: a, b, c, */ bool NotFinalComma () { int peek = Peek(1).kind; return la.kind == _comma && peek != _rbrace && peek != _rbrack; } /* Checks whether the next sequence of tokens is a qualident * * and returns the qualident string * * !!! Proceeds from current peek position !!! */ bool IsQualident (ref Token pt, out string qualident) { qualident = ""; if (pt.kind == _ident) { qualident = pt.val; pt = scanner.Peek(); while (pt.kind == _dot) { pt = scanner.Peek(); if (pt.kind != _ident) return false; qualident += "." + pt.val; pt = scanner.Peek(); } return true; } else return false; } bool IsGeneric() { scanner.ResetPeek(); Token pt = la; if (!IsTypeArgumentList(ref pt)) { return false; } return typArgLstFol[pt.kind]; } bool IsTypeArgumentList(ref Token pt) { if (pt.kind == _lt) { pt = scanner.Peek(); while (true) { if (!IsType(ref pt)) { return false; } if (pt.kind == _gt) { // list recognized pt = scanner.Peek(); break; } else if (pt.kind == _comma) { // another argument pt = scanner.Peek(); } else { // error in type argument list return false; } } } else { return false; } return true; } // Type bool IsType (ref Token pt) { String dummyId; if (typeKW[pt.kind]) { pt = scanner.Peek(); } else if (pt.kind == _void) { pt = scanner.Peek(); if (pt.kind != _times) { return false; } pt = scanner.Peek(); } else if (pt.kind == _ident) { pt = scanner.Peek(); if (pt.kind == _dblcolon || pt.kind == _dot) { // either namespace alias qualifier "::" or first // part of the qualident pt = scanner.Peek(); if (!IsQualident(ref pt, out dummyId)) { return false; } } if (pt.kind == _lt && !IsTypeArgumentList(ref pt)) { return false; } } else { return false; } if (pt.kind == _question) { pt = scanner.Peek(); } return SkipPointerOrDims(ref pt); } // Type ident // (Type can be void*) bool IsLocalVarDecl() { Token pt = la; scanner.ResetPeek(); return IsType(ref pt) && pt.kind == _ident; } // "[" ("," | "]") bool IsDims () { int peek = Peek(1).kind; return la.kind == _lbrack && (peek == _comma || peek == _rbrack); } // "*" | "[" ("," | "]") bool IsPointerOrDims () { return la.kind == _times || IsDims(); } /* skip: { "[" { "," } "]" | "*" } */ /* !!! Proceeds from current peek position !!! */ bool SkipPointerOrDims (ref Token pt) { for (;;) { if (pt.kind == _lbrack) { do pt = scanner.Peek(); while (pt.kind == _comma); if (pt.kind != _rbrack) return false; } else if (pt.kind != _times) break; pt = scanner.Peek(); } return true; } // Is attribute target specifier // (ident | keyword) ":" bool IsAttrTargSpec () { return (la.kind == _ident || keyword[la.kind]) && Peek(1).kind == _colon; } // ident ("," | "=" | ";") bool IsFieldDecl () { int peek = Peek(1).kind; return la.kind == _ident && (peek == _comma || peek == _assgn || peek == _scolon); } bool IsTypeCast () { if (la.kind != _lpar) { return false; } if (IsSimpleTypeCast()) { return true; } return GuessTypeCast(); } // "(" typeKW ")" bool IsSimpleTypeCast () { // assert: la.kind == _lpar scanner.ResetPeek(); Token pt1 = scanner.Peek(); Token pt2 = scanner.Peek(); return typeKW[pt1.kind] && (pt2.kind == _rpar || (pt2.kind == _question && scanner.Peek().kind == _rpar)); } // "(" Type ")" castFollower bool GuessTypeCast () { // assert: la.kind == _lpar scanner.ResetPeek(); Token pt = scanner.Peek(); if (!IsType(ref pt)) { return false; } if (pt.kind != _rpar) { return false; } pt = scanner.Peek(); return castFollower[pt.kind]; } // "[" "assembly" bool IsGlobalAttrTarget () { Token pt = Peek(1); return la.kind == _lbrack && pt.kind == _ident && ("assembly".Equals(pt.val) || "module".Equals(pt.val)); } // "extern" "alias" // where alias is an identifier, no keyword bool IsExternAliasDirective () { return la.kind == _extern && "alias".Equals(Peek(1).val); } // true: anyToken"<" // no whitespace between the token and the "<" allowed // anything else will return false. bool IsLtNoWs() { return (la.kind == _lt) && ((t.pos + t.val.Length) == la.pos); } bool IsNoSwitchLabelOrRBrace() { return (la.kind != _case && la.kind != _default && la.kind != _rbrace) || (la.kind == _default && Peek(1).kind != _colon); } bool IsShift() { Token pt = Peek(1); return (la.kind == _ltlt) || ( la.kind == _gt && pt.kind == _gt && (la.pos + la.val.Length == pt.pos) ); } // true: TypeArgumentList followed by anything but "(" bool IsPartOfMemberName() { scanner.ResetPeek(); Token pt = la; if (!IsTypeArgumentList(ref pt)) { return false; } return pt.kind != _lpar; } enum TypeKind {simple, array, pointer, @void} [Flags] enum Operator { plus = 0x00000001, minus = 0x00000002, not = 0x00000004, tilde = 0x00000008, inc = 0x00000010, dec = 0x00000020, @true = 0x00000040, @false = 0x00000080, times = 0x00000100, div = 0x00000200, mod = 0x00000400, and = 0x00000800, or = 0x00001000, xor = 0x00002000, lshift = 0x00004000, rshift = 0x00008000, eq = 0x00010000, neq = 0x00020000, gt = 0x00040000, lt = 0x00080000, gte = 0x00100000, lte = 0x00200000, unary = plus|minus|not|tilde|inc|dec|@true|@false, binary = plus|minus|times|div|mod|and|or|xor|lshift|rshift|eq|neq|gt|lt|gte|lte } /*------------------------- modifier handling -----------------------------*/ [Flags] enum Modifier { @new = 0x0001, @public = 0x0002, @protected= 0x0004, @internal = 0x0008, @private = 0x0010, @unsafe = 0x0020, @static = 0x0040, @readonly = 0x0080, @volatile = 0x0100, @virtual= 0x0200, @sealed = 0x0400, @override = 0x0800, @abstract = 0x1000, @extern = 0x2000, /* sets of modifiers that can be attached to certain program elements * * e.g., "constants" marks all modifiers that may be used with constants */ none = 0x0000, classes = @new|@public|@protected|@internal|@private|@unsafe|@abstract|@sealed|@static, constants = @new|@public|@protected|@internal|@private, fields = @new|@public|@protected|@internal|@private|@unsafe|@static|@readonly|@volatile, propEvntMeths = @new|@public|@protected|@internal|@private|@unsafe|@static|@virtual|@sealed|@override|@abstract|@extern, accessorsPossib1 = @private, accessorsPossib2 = @protected|@internal, indexers = @new|@public|@protected|@internal|@private|@unsafe|@virtual|@sealed|@override|@abstract|@extern, operators = @public|@unsafe|@static|@extern, operatorsMust = @public|@static, constructors = @public|@protected|@internal|@private|@unsafe|@extern, staticConstr = @extern|@static, staticConstrMust = @static, nonClassTypes = @new|@public|@protected|@internal|@private|@unsafe, destructors = @extern|@unsafe, all = 0x3fff } class Modifiers { private Modifier cur = Modifier.none; private Parser parser; public Modifiers(Parser parser) { this.parser = parser; } public void Add (Modifier m) { if ((cur & m) == 0) cur |= m; else parser.Error("modifier " + m + " already defined"); } public void Add (Modifiers m) { Add(m.cur); } public bool IsNone { get { return cur == Modifier.none; } } public void Check (Modifier allowed) { Modifier wrong = cur & (allowed ^ Modifier.all); if (wrong != Modifier.none) parser.Error("modifier(s) " + wrong + " not allowed here"); } public void Check (Modifier allowEither, Modifier allowOr) { Modifier wrong = cur & ((allowEither|allowOr) ^ Modifier.all); if ((allowEither&allowOr) != Modifier.none) { parser.Error("modifiers providerd must not overlap"); } else if (wrong != Modifier.none) { parser.Error("modifier(s) " + wrong + " not allowed here"); } else if (((cur&allowEither) != Modifier.none) && ((cur&allowOr) != Modifier.none)) { parser.Error("modifier(s) may either be " + allowEither + " or " + allowOr); } } public void CheckMust (Modifier mustHave) { Modifier missing = (cur&mustHave)^mustHave; if (missing != Modifier.none) { parser.Error("modifier(s) " + missing + " must be applied here"); } } public bool Has (Modifier mod) { return (cur&mod) == mod; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------* *----- SCANNER DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------* *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CHARACTERS tab = '\u0009'. /* 9 = tabulator */ eol = '\u000a'. /* 10 = line feed */ cr = '\u000d'. /* 13 = carriage return */ newLine = cr + eol. /* Line separator character (U+2028) + Paragraph separator character (U+2029) */ startLetter = 'A' .. 'Z' + 'a' .. 'z' + '_' + '\u00aa' + '\u00b5' + '\u00ba' + '\u00c0' .. '\u00d6' + '\u00d8' .. '\u00f6' + '\u00f8' .. '\u00ff'. partLetter = '0' .. '9' + 'A' .. 'Z' + 'a' .. 'z' + '_' + '\u00a0' + '\u00aa' + '\u00b5' + '\u00ba' + '\u00c0' .. '\u00d6' + '\u00d8' .. '\u00f6' + '\u00f8' .. '\u00ff'. digit = "0123456789". hexDigit = digit + "ABCDEFabcdef". notDigit = ANY - digit. char = ANY - "'" - '\\' - newLine. verbatimStringChar = ANY - '"'. regularStringChar = ANY - '"' - '\\' - newLine. notNewLine = ANY - newLine . ws = " " + tab + '\u000b' + '\u000c'. /* Any character with Unicode class Zs */ TOKENS ident = ['@'] ( startLetter | '\\' ( 'u' hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit | 'U' hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit ) ) { partLetter | '\\' ( 'u' hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit | 'U' hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit ) }. /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ intCon = ( digit {digit} | digit {digit} CONTEXT ("." notDigit) | ("0x" | "0X") hexDigit {hexDigit} ) ["U" | "u" | "L" | "l" | "UL" | "Ul" | "uL" | "ul" | "LU" | "Lu" | "lU" | "lu"]. /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ realCon = "." digit {digit} [("e" | "E") ["+" | "-"] digit {digit}] ["F" | "f" | "D" | "d" | "M" | "m"] | digit {digit} ( "." digit {digit} [("e" | "E" ) ["+" | "-"] digit {digit} ] ["F" | "f" | "D" | "d" | "M" | "m"] | ("e" | "E") ["+" | "-"] digit {digit} ["F" | "f" | "D" | "d" | "M" | "m"] | "F" | "f" | "D" | "d" | "M" | "m" ). /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ charCon = "'" ( char | "\\\'" | "\\\"" | "\\\\" | "\\0" | "\\a" | "\\b" | "\\f" | "\\n" | "\\r" | "\\t" | "\\v" | "\\x" hexDigit [hexDigit] [hexDigit] [hexDigit] | "\\u" hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit | "\\U" hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit ) "'". /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ stringCon = "\"" { regularStringChar | "\\\'" | "\\\"" | "\\\\" | "\\0" | "\\a" | "\\b" | "\\f" | "\\n" | "\\r" | "\\t" | "\\v" | "\\x" hexDigit [hexDigit] [hexDigit] [hexDigit] | "\\u" hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit | "\\U" hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit hexDigit } "\"" | "@\"" {verbatimStringChar | "\"\""} "\"". /*----- keyword names needed in LL(1) resolvers -----*/ abstract = "abstract". as = "as". base = "base". bool = "bool". break = "break". byte = "byte". case = "case". catch = "catch". char = "char". checked = "checked". class = "class". const = "const". continue = "continue". decimal = "decimal". default = "default". delegate = "delegate". do = "do". double = "double". else = "else". enum = "enum". event = "event". explicit = "explicit". extern = "extern". false = "false". finally = "finally". fixed = "fixed". float = "float". for = "for". foreach = "foreach". goto = "goto". if = "if". implicit = "implicit". in = "in". int = "int". interface = "interface". internal = "internal". is = "is". lock = "lock". long = "long". namespace = "namespace". new = "new". null = "null". object = "object". operator = "operator". out = "out". override = "override". params = "params". private = "private". protected = "protected". public = "public". readonly = "readonly". ref = "ref". return = "return". sbyte = "sbyte". sealed = "sealed". short = "short". sizeof = "sizeof". stackalloc = "stackalloc". static = "static". string = "string". struct = "struct". switch = "switch". this = "this". throw = "throw". true = "true". try = "try". typeof = "typeof". uint = "uint". ulong = "ulong". unchecked = "unchecked". unsafe = "unsafe". ushort = "ushort". usingKW = "using". virtual = "virtual". void = "void". volatile = "volatile". while = "while". /*----- operators and special characters needed in LL(1) resolvers --------------*/ and = "&". andassgn = "&=". assgn = "=". colon = ":". comma = ",". dec = "--". divassgn = "/=". dot = ".". dblcolon = "::". eq = "==". gt = ">". gteq = ">=". inc = "++". lbrace = "{". lbrack = "[". lpar = "(". lshassgn = "<<=". lt = "<". ltlt = "<<". minus = "-". minusassgn = "-=". modassgn = "%=". neq = "!=". not = "!". orassgn = "|=". plus = "+". plusassgn = "+=". question = "?". rbrace = "}". rbrack = "]". rpar = ")". scolon = ";". tilde = "~". times = "*". timesassgn = "*=". xorassgn = "^=". PRAGMAS /* Preprocessor directives. * * The exact parsing of their syntax is left for later processing */ ppDefine = "#" {ws} "define" {notNewLine} newLine. (. AddCCS(la.val); .) ppUndef = "#" {ws} "undef" {notNewLine} newLine. (. RemCCS(la.val); .) ppIf = "#" {ws} "if" {notNewLine} newLine. (. IfPragma(la.val); .) ppElif = "#" {ws} "elif" {notNewLine} newLine. (. ElifOrElsePragma(); .) ppElse = "#" {ws} "else" {notNewLine} newLine. (. ElifOrElsePragma(); .) ppEndif = "#" {ws} "endif" {notNewLine} newLine. ppLine = "#" {ws} "line" {notNewLine} newLine. ppError = "#" {ws} "error" {notNewLine} newLine. ppWarning = "#" {ws} "warning" {notNewLine} newLine. ppRegion = "#" {ws} "region" {notNewLine} newLine. ppEndReg = "#" {ws} "endregion" {notNewLine} newLine. // **************************************************************************** // If you would like to use C# comments in your grammar, use // pragmas for that purpose and remove the COMMENTS. // // The pragma for the block comment looks like this: // cBlockCom = "/*" { "/" | blockComCh | "*"{"*"} blockComCh } "*"{"*"}"/". // where blockComCh is a character set (CHARACTERS section) defined as: // blockComCh = ANY - '*' - '/'. // // The line comment is simpler: // cLineCom = "//" { notNewLine } newLine. // where newLine and notNewLine are character sets (already defined in the // CHARACTERS section). // **************************************************************************** COMMENTS FROM "/*" TO "*/" COMMENTS FROM "//" TO eol IGNORE eol + cr + tab PRODUCTIONS /*------------------------------------------------------------------------* *--------------------------- Declarations -------------------------------* *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CS2 = {IF (IsExternAliasDirective()) ExternAliasDirective} {UsingDirective} {IF (IsGlobalAttrTarget()) GlobalAttributes} {NamespaceMemberDeclaration} . ExternAliasDirective = "extern" ident (. if (t.val != "alias") { Error("alias expected"); } .) ident ";" . UsingDirective = "using" [ IF (IsAssignment()) ident "=" ] TypeName ";" . NamespaceMemberDeclaration (. Modifiers m = new Modifiers(this); .) = "namespace" ident { "." ident } "{" { IF (IsExternAliasDirective()) ExternAliasDirective } { UsingDirective } { NamespaceMemberDeclaration } "}" [ ";" ] | { Attributes } ModifierList TypeDeclaration . TypeDeclaration (. TypeKind dummy; .) = ( [ "partial" ] ( (. m.Check(Modifier.classes); .) "class" ident [ TypeParameterList ] [ ClassBase ] { TypeParameterConstraintsClause } ClassBody [ ";" ] | (. m.Check(Modifier.nonClassTypes); .) "struct" ident [ TypeParameterList ] [ ":" TypeName { "," TypeName } ] { TypeParameterConstraintsClause } StructBody [ ";" ] | (. m.Check(Modifier.nonClassTypes); .) "interface" ident [ TypeParameterList ] [ ":" TypeName { "," TypeName } ] { TypeParameterConstraintsClause } "{" { InterfaceMemberDeclaration } "}" [ ";" ] ) | (. m.Check(Modifier.nonClassTypes); .) "enum" ident [ ":" IntegralType ] EnumBody [ ";" ] | (. m.Check(Modifier.nonClassTypes); .) "delegate" Type ident [ TypeParameterList ] "(" [ FormalParameterList ] ")" { TypeParameterConstraintsClause } ";" ) . ClassBase = ":" ClassType { "," TypeName } . ClassBody = "{" { { Attributes } (. Modifiers m = new Modifiers(this); .) ModifierList ClassMemberDeclaration } "}" . StructBody = "{" { { Attributes } (. Modifiers m = new Modifiers(this); .) ModifierList StructMemberDeclaration } "}" . EnumBody = "{" [ EnumMemberDeclaration {IF (NotFinalComma()) "," EnumMemberDeclaration } [ "," ] ] "}" . ClassMemberDeclaration = StructMemberDeclaration | "~" ident "(" ")" ( Block | ";" ) . StructMemberDeclaration (. TypeKind type; Operator op; .) = ( (. m.Check(Modifier.constants); .) "const" Type ident "=" Expression { "," ident "=" Expression } ";" | /* Event */ (. m.Check(Modifier.propEvntMeths); .) "event" Type ( IF (IsFieldDecl()) VariableDeclarators ";" | TypeName "{" EventAccessorDeclarations "}" ) | /* Constructor, StaticConstructor */ IF (la.kind == _ident && Peek(1).kind == _lpar) (. m.Check(Modifier.constructors|Modifier.staticConstr); .) ident "(" [ (. m.Check(Modifier.constructors); .) FormalParameterList ] ")" [ (. m.Check(Modifier.constructors); .) ":" ( "base" | "this" ) "(" [ Argument { "," Argument } ] ")" ] ( Block | ";" ) | Type ( /* Operator */ (. m.Check(Modifier.operators); m.CheckMust(Modifier.operatorsMust); if (type == TypeKind.@void) { Error("operator not allowed on void"); } .) "operator" OverloadableOp "(" Type ident ( "," Type ident (. if ((op & Operator.binary) == 0) Error("too many operands for unary operator"); .) | (. if ((op & Operator.unary) == 0) Error("too few operands for binary operator"); .) ) ")" ( Block | ";" ) | /* Field */ IF (IsFieldDecl()) (. m.Check(Modifier.fields); if (type == TypeKind.@void) { Error("field type must not be void"); } .) VariableDeclarators ";" | /* Property | Indexer | Method */ MemberName ( /* Property */ (. m.Check(Modifier.propEvntMeths); if (type == TypeKind.@void) { Error("property type must not be void"); } .) "{" AccessorDeclarations "}" | /* Indexer */ (. m.Check(Modifier.indexers); if (type == TypeKind.@void) { Error("indexer type must not be void"); } .) "." "this" "[" FormalParameterList "]" "{" AccessorDeclarations "}" | /* Method */ (. m.Check(Modifier.propEvntMeths); .) [ TypeParameterList ] "(" [ FormalParameterList ] ")" { TypeParameterConstraintsClause } ( Block | ";" ) ) | /* Indexer */ (. m.Check(Modifier.indexers); if (type == TypeKind.@void) { Error("indexer type must not be void"); } .) "this" "[" FormalParameterList "]" "{" AccessorDeclarations "}" ) | /* Cast operator */ (. m.Check(Modifier.operators); m.CheckMust(Modifier.operatorsMust); .) ( "implicit" | "explicit" ) "operator" Type (. if (type == TypeKind.@void) { Error("cast type must not be void"); } .) "(" Type ident ")" ( Block | ";" ) | TypeDeclaration ) . InterfaceMemberDeclaration (. Modifiers m = new Modifiers(this); TypeKind dummy; .) = { Attributes } [ "new" ] ( Type ( ident ( [ TypeParameterList ] "(" [ FormalParameterList ] ")" { TypeParameterConstraintsClause } ";" | "{" InterfaceAccessors "}" ) | "this" "[" FormalParameterList "]" "{" InterfaceAccessors "}" ) | "event" Type ident ";" ) . EnumMemberDeclaration = { Attributes } ident [ "=" Expression ] . LocalVariableDeclaration (. TypeKind dummy; .) = Type LocalVariableDeclarator { "," LocalVariableDeclarator } . LocalVariableDeclarator (. TypeKind dummy; .) = ident [ "=" ( VariableInitializer | "stackalloc" Type "[" Expression "]" ) ] . VariableInitializer = Expression | ArrayInitializer . ArrayInitializer = "{" [ VariableInitializer {IF (NotFinalComma()) "," VariableInitializer } [ "," ] ] "}" . FormalParameterList (. TypeKind type; .) = { Attributes } ( [ "ref" | "out" ] Type ident [ "," FormalParameterList ] | "params" Type (. if (type != TypeKind.array) { Error("params argument must be an array"); } .) ident ) . Argument = [ "ref" | "out" ] Expression . AccessorDeclarations (. Modifiers am = new Modifiers(this); bool getFound = false, setFound = false; .) = { Attributes } ModifierList (. am.Check(Modifier.accessorsPossib1, Modifier.accessorsPossib2); .) ( IF ("get".Equals(la.val)) ident (. getFound = true; .) | IF ("set".Equals(la.val)) ident (. setFound = true; .) | ident (. Error("set or get expected"); .) ) (Block | ";") [ (. am = new Modifiers(this); .) { Attributes } ModifierList (. am.Check(Modifier.accessorsPossib1, Modifier.accessorsPossib2); .) ( IF ("get".Equals(la.val)) ident (. if (getFound) Error("get already declared"); .) | IF ("set".Equals(la.val)) ident (. if (setFound) Error("set already declared"); .) | ident (. Error("set or get expected"); .) ) (Block | ";") ] . EventAccessorDeclarations (. bool addFound = false, remFound = false; .) = { Attributes } ( IF ("add".Equals(la.val)) ident (. addFound = true; .) | IF ("remove".Equals(la.val)) ident (. remFound = true; .) | ident (. Error("add or remove expected"); .) ) Block [ { Attributes } ( IF ("add".Equals(la.val)) ident (. if (addFound) Error("add already declared"); .) | IF ("remove".Equals(la.val)) ident (. if (remFound) Error("remove already declared"); .) | ident (. Error("add or remove expected"); .) ) Block ] . InterfaceAccessors (. bool getFound = false, setFound = false; .) = { Attributes } ( IF ("get".Equals(la.val)) ident (. getFound = true; .) | IF ("set".Equals(la.val)) ident (. setFound = true; .) | ident (. Error("set or get expected"); .) ) ";" [ { Attributes } ( IF ("get".Equals(la.val)) ident (. if (getFound) Error("get already declared"); .) | IF ("set".Equals(la.val)) ident (. if (setFound) Error("set already declared"); .) | ident (. Error("set or get expected"); .) ) ";" ] . GlobalAttributes = "[" ident (. // We accept module because csc does (even if it is against the specification). if (!"assembly".Equals(t.val) && !"module".Equals(t.val)) Error("global attribute target specifier \"assembly\" or \"module\" expected"); .) ":" Attribute {IF (NotFinalComma()) "," Attribute } [ "," ] "]" . Attributes = "[" [ IF (IsAttrTargSpec()) ( ident | Keyword ) ":" ] Attribute { IF (la.kind == _comma && Peek(1).kind != _rbrack) "," Attribute } [ "," ] "]" . Keyword = "abstract" | "as" | "base" | "bool" | "break" | "byte" | "case" | "catch" | "char" | "checked" | "class" | "const" | "continue" | "decimal" | "default" | "delegate" | "do" | "double" | "else" | "enum" | "event" | "explicit" | "extern" | "false" | "finally" | "fixed" | "float" | "for" | "foreach" | "goto" | "if" | "implicit" | "in" | "int" | "interface" | "internal" | "is" | "lock" | "long" | "namespace" | "new" | "null" | "object" | "operator" | "out" | "override" | "params" | "private" | "protected" | "public" | "readonly" | "ref" | "return" | "sbyte" | "sealed" | "short" | "sizeof" | "stackalloc" | "static" | "string" | "struct" | "switch" | "this" | "throw" | "true" | "try" | "typeof" | "uint" | "ulong" | "unchecked" | "unsafe" | "ushort" | "using" | "virtual" | "void" | "volatile" | "while" . Attribute = TypeName [ AttributeArguments ] . AttributeArguments (. bool nameFound = false; .) = "(" [ [ IF (IsAssignment()) (. nameFound = true; .) ident "=" ] Expression { "," ( IF (IsAssignment()) (. nameFound = true; .) ident "=" | (. if (nameFound) Error("no positional argument after named arguments"); .) ) Expression } ] ")" . ModifierList = { "new" (. m.Add(Modifier.@new); .) | "public" (. m.Add(Modifier.@public); .) | "protected" (. m.Add(Modifier.@protected); .) | "internal" (. m.Add(Modifier.@internal); .) | "private" (. m.Add(Modifier.@private); .) | "unsafe" (. m.Add(Modifier.@unsafe); .) | "static" (. m.Add(Modifier.@static); .) | "readonly" (. m.Add(Modifier.@readonly); .) | "volatile" (. m.Add(Modifier.@volatile); .) | "virtual" (. m.Add(Modifier.@virtual); .) | "sealed" (. m.Add(Modifier.@sealed); .) | "override" (. m.Add(Modifier.@override); .) | "abstract" (. m.Add(Modifier.@abstract); .) | "extern" (. m.Add(Modifier.@extern); .) } . /*------------------------------------------------------------------------* *-------------------------------- Types ---------------------------------* *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Attribute "type" is needed for error messages in EmbeddedStatement * * and for array creation expressions */ Type (. type = TypeKind.simple; .) = ( PrimitiveType | ClassType | "void" (. type = TypeKind.@void; .) ) [ "?" (. if (type == TypeKind.@void) { Error("Unexpected token ?, void must not be nullable."); } .) ] PointerOrArray (. if (type == TypeKind.@void && !voidAllowed) { Error("type expected, void found, maybe you mean void*"); } .) . ResolvedType (. TypeKind type = TypeKind.simple; .) = ( PrimitiveType /* ClassType */ | "object" | "string" | ident [ "::" ident ] [ IF (IsGeneric()) TypeArgumentList ] { "." ident [ IF (IsGeneric()) TypeArgumentList ] } | "void" (. type = TypeKind.@void; .) ) PointerOrArray (. if (type == TypeKind.@void) Error("type expected, void found, maybe you mean void*"); .) . PointerOrArray = { IF (IsPointerOrDims()) ( "*" (. type = TypeKind.pointer; .) | "[" { "," } "]" (. type = TypeKind.array; .) ) } . PrimitiveType = IntegralType | "float" | "double" | "decimal" | "bool" . IntegralType = "sbyte" | "byte" | "short" | "ushort" | "int" | "uint" | "long" | "ulong" | "char" . ClassType = TypeName | InternalClassType . InternalClassType = "object" | "string" . MemberName = ident [ "::" ident ] [ IF (la.kind == _lt && IsPartOfMemberName()) TypeArgumentList ] { IF (la.kind == _dot && Peek(1).kind == _ident) "." ident [ IF (la.kind == _lt && IsPartOfMemberName()) TypeArgumentList ] } . TypeName = ident [ "::" ident ] [ TypeArgumentList ] { "." ident [ TypeArgumentList ] } . /*------------------------------------------------------------------------* *------------------------------ Statements ------------------------------* *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Statement (. TypeKind dummy; .) = IF (la.kind == _ident && Peek(1).kind == _colon) ident ":" Statement | "const" Type ident "=" Expression { "," ident "=" Expression } ";" | IF (IsLocalVarDecl()) LocalVariableDeclaration ";" | EmbeddedStatement . EmbeddedStatement (. TypeKind type; .) = Block | ";" | IF (la.kind == _checked && Peek(1).kind == _lbrace) "checked" Block | IF (la.kind == _unchecked && Peek(1).kind == _lbrace) "unchecked" Block | StatementExpression ";" | "if" "(" Expression ")" EmbeddedStatement [ "else" EmbeddedStatement ] | "switch" "(" Expression ")" "{" { SwitchSection } "}" | "while" "(" Expression ")" EmbeddedStatement | "do" EmbeddedStatement "while" "(" Expression ")" ";" | "for" "(" [ ForInitializer ] ";" [ Expression ] ";" [ ForIterator ] ")" EmbeddedStatement | "foreach" "(" Type ident "in" Expression ")" EmbeddedStatement | "break" ";" | "continue" ";" | "goto" ( ident | "case" Expression | "default" ) ";" | "return" [ Expression ] ";" | "throw" [ Expression ] ";" | "try" Block ( CatchClauses [ "finally" Block ] | "finally" Block ) | "lock" "(" Expression ")" EmbeddedStatement | "using" "(" ResourceAcquisition ")" EmbeddedStatement | "yield" ( "return" Expression | "break" ) ";" | "unsafe" Block | "fixed" "(" Type (. if (type != TypeKind.pointer) Error("can only fix pointer types"); .) ident "=" Expression { "," ident "=" Expression } ")" EmbeddedStatement . Block = "{" { Statement } "}" . StatementExpression (. bool isAssignment = assnStartOp[la.kind] || IsTypeCast(); .) = Unary ( AssignmentOperator Expression | (. if (isAssignment) Error("error in assignment."); .) ) . AssignmentOperator = "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "&=" | "|=" | "^=" | "<<=" | ">" (. int pos = t.pos; .) ">=" (. if (pos+1 < t.pos) Error("no whitespace allowed in right shift assignment"); .) . SwitchSection = SwitchLabel { IF (la.kind == _case || (la.kind == _default && Peek(1).kind == _colon)) SwitchLabel } Statement { IF (IsNoSwitchLabelOrRBrace()) Statement } . SwitchLabel = "case" Expression ":" | "default" ":" . ForInitializer = IF (IsLocalVarDecl()) LocalVariableDeclaration | StatementExpression { "," StatementExpression } . ForIterator = StatementExpression { "," StatementExpression } . CatchClauses = "catch" ( Block | "(" ClassType [ ident ] ")" Block [ CatchClauses ] ) . ResourceAcquisition = IF (IsLocalVarDecl()) LocalVariableDeclaration | Expression . /*------------------------------------------------------------------------* *----------------------------- Expressions ------------------------------* *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Expression = Unary ( IF (assgnOps[la.kind] || (la.kind == _gt && Peek(1).kind == _gteq)) AssignmentOperator Expression | NullCoalescingExpr [ "?" Expression ":" Expression ] ) . NullCoalescingExpr = OrExpr { "??" Unary OrExpr } . OrExpr = AndExpr {"||" Unary AndExpr} . AndExpr = BitOrExpr {"&&" Unary BitOrExpr} . BitOrExpr = BitXorExpr {"|" Unary BitXorExpr} . BitXorExpr = BitAndExpr {"^" Unary BitAndExpr} . BitAndExpr = EqlExpr {"&" Unary EqlExpr} . EqlExpr = RelExpr {("!=" | "==") Unary RelExpr} . RelExpr = ShiftExpr { ("<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=") Unary ShiftExpr | ("is" | "as") ResolvedType } . ShiftExpr = AddExpr { IF (IsShift()) ("<<" | ">" ">") Unary AddExpr } . AddExpr = MulExpr {( "+" | "-" ) Unary MulExpr} . MulExpr = {("*" | "/" | "%") Unary} . Unary (. TypeKind dummy; .) = { IF (unaryHead[la.kind] || IsTypeCast()) ( "+" | "-" | "!" | "~" | "++" | "--" | "*" | "&" | "(" Type ")" /* Problem: "(" Type ")" from here and * * "(" Expr ")" from Primary * * are not distinguishable * * Solution: (in IsTypeCast()) * * use external information from compiled assembly or guess */ ) } Primary . Primary (. TypeKind type; bool isArrayCreation = false; .) = ( Literal | "(" Expression ")" | ( "bool" | "byte" | "char" | "decimal" | "double" | "float" | "int" | "long" | "object" | "sbyte" | "short" | "string" | "uint" | "ulong" | "ushort" ) "." ident [ IF (IsGeneric()) TypeArgumentList ] | ident [ "::" ident [ TypeArgumentList ] "." ident ] [ IF (IsGeneric()) TypeArgumentList ] | "this" | "base" ( "." ident [ IF (IsGeneric()) TypeArgumentList ] | "[" Expression { "," Expression } "]" ) | "new" Type ( /*--- delegate or object creation expression: * * Note: a delegate creation expression allows only a single Expr * * not an argument list, but this is not checked here */ "(" [ Argument { "," Argument } ] ")" | "[" Expression { "," Expression } "]" {IF (IsDims()) "[" { "," } "]" } [ ArrayInitializer ] (. isArrayCreation = true; .) | ArrayInitializer (. if (type != TypeKind.array) Error("array type expected"); isArrayCreation = true; .) ) | "typeof" "(" Type ")" | "checked" "(" Expression ")" | "unchecked" "(" Expression ")" | "default" "(" Primary ")" | "delegate" [ "(" [ AnonymousMethodParameter { "," AnonymousMethodParameter } ] ")" ] Block | "sizeof" "(" Type ")" ) { "++" | "--" | "->" ident [ IF (IsGeneric()) TypeArgumentList ] | "." ident [ IF (IsGeneric()) TypeArgumentList ] | "(" [ Argument { "," Argument } ] ")" | (. if (isArrayCreation) Error("element access not allow on array creation"); .) "[" Expression { "," Expression } "]" } . Literal = intCon | realCon | charCon | stringCon | "true" | "false" | "null". AnonymousMethodParameter (. TypeKind dummy; .) = [ "ref" | "out" ] Type ident . VariableDeclarators = ident [ "=" VariableInitializer ] { "," ident [ "=" VariableInitializer ] } . OverloadableOp (. op =; .) = /* unary operators */ "+" | "-" (. op = Operator.minus; .) | "!" (. op = Operator.not; .) | "~" (. op = Operator.tilde; .) | "++" (. op =; .) | "--" (. op = Operator.dec; .) | "true" (. op = Operator.@true; .) | "false" (. op = Operator.@false; .) | /* binary operators (plus +, -) */ "*" (. op = Operator.times; .) | "/" (. op = Operator.div; .) | "%" (. op = Operator.mod; .) | "&" (. op = Operator.and; .) | "|" (. op = Operator.or; .) | "^" (. op = Operator.xor; .) | "<<" (. op = Operator.lshift; .) | "==" (. op = Operator.eq; .) | "!=" (. op = Operator.neq; .) | ">" (. op =; .) [ (. if (la.pos > t.pos+1) Error("no whitespace allowed in right shift operator"); .) ">" (. op = Operator.rshift; .) ] | "<" (. op =; .) | ">=" (. op = Operator.gte; .) | "<=" (. op = Operator.lte; .) . TypeParameterList = "<" { Attributes } ident { "," { Attributes } ident } ">" . TypeArgumentList (. TypeKind dummy; .) = /* We are a bit sloppy here and allow the type arguments to be "empty" everywhere. This results in unbound-type-names. In fact this is only allowed in typeof statements, see ECMA-334: 14.5.11 and 25.5. */ "<" [ Type ] { "," [ Type ] } ">" . TypeParameterConstraintsClause = ident (. if (t.val != "where") { Error("type parameter constraints clause must start with: where"); } .) ident ":" ( ( "class" | "struct" | "object" | "string" | TypeName ) { IF (la.kind == _comma && Peek(1).kind != _new) "," TypeName } [ "," "new" "(" ")" ] | "new" "(" ")" ) . END CS2.